Find healing from past birth experiences with an unconventional pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

“The Crib”- Non-judgemental support and navigation through your entire journey


“The Crib”- Non-judgemental support and navigation through your entire journey 〰️


This time, you want to give your baby the calm smooth transition they deserve, & to feel in control, confident and at ease as you re-enter motherhood.

We make healing from past traumatic birth experiences possible with unconventional birth, pregnancy & postpartum coaching, and in person birth support.


Last time you did everything you were “supposed to do” and had a traumatic experience, this time HAS to be different. This time you want:

  • To feel in control of your choices and be confident in making them.

  • To make unconventional choices (how many is up to you)

  • To know ALL your options, including the alternative and less mainstream.

  • Your baby to have a smooth transition into life outside of you.

  • Your partner to be an active participant in the process.

  • A doula in the room to lean on for skills to advocate when needed, support you physically and emotionally, and help you maintain confidence in the choices you are making.

  • Non-judgemental support as you learn new information and make decisions that are best for you and your family.

  • To learn about how the unconventional and medical options can work together when needed, and not feel judged for leaning one way or the other in your choices

  • To feel confident about making these decisions when up against unsolicited advice and people who disagree.

  • To re-enter motherhood feeling equipped and capable to be the mom you’ve always dreamed of being, that you know your kids deserve.

    The Crib will provide non-judgemental, direct, yet loving support and navigation though-out the entire pregnancy, birth and postpartum process.


The Crib is for you if you:

Desire to learn about unconventional birth options and how to incorporate them into your pregnancy, birth and postpartum so you can have a radically different experience than your last.

Crave a non-judgemental space to learn, process emotions and make decisions that are right for YOU and your baby.

Want to feel in control of your experience and have confidence in the choices you make.

Want your baby to get the best possible start.

Desire to re-enter motherhood equipped to be the mom your kids deserve.

Want your partner to be fully equipped to support you and be a major part of the process.

Prefer information be presented in a direct (no sugar coating), yet loving way.

The Crib is NOT for you if you:

Prefer do what the doctor tells you without question.

Have no interest in exploring less conventional birth options and how they may serve you or your baby in your experience.

Want me to make all your decisions for you, and not work on strengthening your own self trust and confidence.

Unwilling to be a non-judgemental participant in the group and remember that each mom has to make the decisions right for HER.

Are already super educated and informed about birth options, know exactly what you want, and have great informational and emotional support. (But let’s be friends;)

Inside you will:

  • Be given evidence based/updated information on conventional and unconventional options for pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum from sources you can trust, and learn how they could serve your individual needs.

  • Build self trust and confidence in your decisions so you remain in control.

  • Learn how to advocate for yourself and use your voice with less conflict- doing most of this prenatally so there is far less needed on BIRTHday.

  • Have a partner who feels fully equipped to support you fully with confidence.

  • Have an in person doula to guide you in the moment, advocate where needed, and provide physical, informational, and emotional support day of.

  • Feel the way you want to feel throughout the whole experience- AKA have a radically different experience than before and re-enter motherhood feeling capable & like the bad ass you are, and the mom your kids deserve!

I truly believe that everything is an option, and YOU are in charge of your experience, no one else.  


This time WILL be radically different!

Transform your pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience!

Yes, I’m well aware this is the cost of a nice vacation, but think about this:

  • If you simply sign up for the childbirth course, you will be missing the personalized back pocket emotional support, as well as the tailor made, quick, reliable answers JUST for you. Depending on the course, you may never address your past experience/fears, advocacy skills, or be reminded how to trust your gut. You would also miss the magic of having an in person doula present at your birth.

  • If you decide to hire a doula without the program attached, you will be missing out on the long term support (well into postpartum) and community of moms you will connect with. Not to mention, most doulas do not offer weekly coaching calls, guest experts, 24/7 slack access, or a private podcast bank of modules for you to learn at your own pace. The Crib DOES!

  • Lastly, If you go at this on your own, you are likely missing the opportunity of a lifetime to heal from your last birth, have the experience you deserve, and step into motherhood with confidence and ease. You DON’T get a do-over and can NEVER birth this baby again. You can take the vacation next year;)

Here are the nitty gritty details (AKA exactly what you get, because I know you wanna know)

  • The Crib is a FULL YEAR of personalized pregnancy coaching for you and your partner, postpartum support and an amazing community of like minded moms in a similar stage in life. This is what I believe is necessary for moms to feel FULLY supported not only in pregnancy, but in motherhood as well. No matter where you are in your pregnancy journey, you deserve 12 months (minimum) of continuous support from someone who’s in your corner and from other moms who get you.

  • An in person (me or vetted by me) doula for labor and BIRThday. This includes a consult to meet and ensure you vibe with doula, 1 in person prenatal visit, doula on call from 38 weeks-birthday, birth support from time of request-2 hours postpartum, 1 postpartum visit.

  • Right away you will be sent the “Start with how you want to FEEL” journal prompts, and a link to schedule a 2 hour 1:1 call with me to set the foundation for our time working together by diving deep into these prompts.

  • You will receive access to a private podcast of easy to consume audio clips to move through at your own pace and listen to on the go. These clips will take you through the framework, as well as dive deeper into informative topics for your pregnancy, birth and postpartum. The podcast will keep expanding throughout the 12 months you are in The Crib.

  • Prenatal Breastfeeding/Infant feeding education course created by an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, as well as access in Slack to an IBCLC on demand.

  • Weekly live coaching calls via zoom. All these calls will be recorded and added to the private podcast to listen to if you can’t make it live. Come get coached yourself, or listen to other’s get coached and learn from them. There is ALWAYS something to gain from listening to others being coached.

    • This is where you can bring your questions, thoughts, or concerns with ZERO judgement and get personalized support directly from me

  • Access to an always growing library of trusted resources: including but not limited to articles, podcast episodes, books etc. These will answer your questions and provide trusted, current, evidence based information on options, anatomy & physiology, and anything else you have questions about.

    • Whenever you have a question a current resource does not address, a resource will be added

    • Resource library housed in Slack & Google Sheet

  • A Slack Chat- AKA 24/7 access to coaching from me, other experts, and moms in the community. This is where you can drop in anytime between coaching calls with questions, emotions, and thoughts. There will be coaches/experts in Slack 5-7 days a week, and you will also get answers and validation from the other moms in the community. You are great resources to each other.

    • Slack is also where the resource library will live within designated channels

  • Community that will form unexpected bonds, and friendships. Finding moms who want to be as informed and prepared as you for birth and want the same autonomous experience you do, who happen to be at a similar life stage is invaluable. This can be hard to find in our local peer groups, so I am so glad you will find it here.

  • Guest expert calls. These experts will cover topics that YOU are asking for. I want these topics to be relevant to the current group, so these will be scheduled according to needs of the group.

  • A calendar of calls and breaks will be provided within the first 14 days of entry


If this page left things unanswered for you, but you are interested in support, please email me at and we can talk it out, or shoot me a DM on Instagram HERE.

So much love, Taylor



You supported me in every way possible. I felt heard, informed and I truly felt cared for which is exactly what I wanted when I sought out support. I’m forever grateful for you
— Nicole
I wanted a different birth experience than my first and I knew that doula support would help to support my birth goals. I chose you because I appreciated your calm nature and your advocacy
— Amanda 

It was nice to have someone experienced there for guidance in the decisions we were making and the ultimate support. - Micah

I learned just how much you have to advocate for yourself and how many options you truly have when it comes to your pregnancy/birth!
— Nicole
I did NOT have time to be sitting in triage for god knows how many hours, with my 6 year old in the middle of the night, just to be sent home. I have a business to run. Thank god I could talk to you and you could calm me down and reassure me that everything happening was normal
— Tay
I was a first time mom and wanted help navigating the entire process. I wanted someone that was looking out for my needs as a well as my baby’s and could explain all of the options to me
— Kaitlyn

"I seriously don't know what I would do without this support"


"I seriously don't know what I would do without this support" -

In that moment I remembered how I wanted to FEEL, and it allowed me to feel good about changing my mind in the moment
— Shanon
You’re the best. I really needed to hear this. My husband tells me everyday, but it’s nice to hear from other people too

I didn’t expect to fall in love with my birth team: specifically Taylor. I met her maybe a couple months before my baby was born, but she changed my life. She focused on equipping my husband to be my rock, and facilitated everything else. She fought for the environment and feeling for my birth that I deeply wanted and needed. - Rebecca 

I was so scared of birth! You gave me resources and helped me to understand what exactly I was scared of and how my fears were not based in fact. We both saw the pivotal importance of the prenatal counseling you provided. I went from terrified to excited to give birth, and we both attribute that attitude shift in large part to the work with Taylor.
— Danielle and Aaron
Taylor was the best. Prenatal conversations were lengthy and helped me process beforehand what I really wanted my labor experience to be
— Shanon