(12 months of weekly coaching/community calls + unlimited Slack community)


When you give less F’s about the shit you don’t actually care about, you make space to focus on the things you do.

This group is for you if:

  • you have kids under 5 (of course some/all can be older)

  • you feel stuck in your current circumstances, but KNOW there is more for you in life

  • you can't keep feeling the way you are feeling

  • finding aligned mom friends who “get it” feels SO HARD

  • you are a mom who cares about her kids more than life itself, BUT they don't fill all your buckets and you NEED something outside of them to feel like YOU.- The guilt of this feels too heavy, you feel like you're drowning, yet you have no idea how to change it.

  • You find yourself in the middle on most things and desire to be around other moms who care about: true health but also choose convenience, who break generational trauma but gentile parenting seems too soft, who challenge conventional and mainstream ideas in society but don't want to die on every hill, who want to work but also have freedom to be with kids, and of course who instill solid values in their kids but also say FUCK!

This group is NOT:

  • Parenting advice or a specific parenting style 

  • Going to judge you, give you more "shoulds" that don't align, or shame you.

  • A place for the newest sensory bin idea, sleep training tip, or toddler hack- GIRL I NEED THOSE TOO

  • A cuss free zone;)

This group IS:

  • where you will feel validated as fuck in what you are going through 

  • get tough love coaching that will hug you with empathy and compassion for your situation, while simultaneously lighting a fire under your ass to make the changes needed in your life to truly fulfill you and make you happy. 

  • not going to let you stay stuck

  • going to push you to be your best self 

  • a judgement free zone of moms who fall in the grey areas of most topics and want the best of both worlds.

You have 2 options from here:

  1. Click one of the buttons above and snag your spot NOW!

  2. Ignore the voice that nudged you to click on this, and keep living exactly how you are.

Remember, if not now, when? 

If nothing changes, nothing changes. 

In the next 12 months or less you will be living the aligned life you always wished you’d have & make lifelong mom friends, so that you can FINALLY feel self-fulfillment while ALSO showing up as the mom you desire to be.